Monday 30 June 2014

Preparation versus Opportunity

by Bheka Dube

The Gods had smiled at my hopes and dreams,
as I peruse through the mail, the once long awaited day had dawn,
a white envelope contained the birth of  a new dawn.
For all the four seasons that had passed through the shadow of time,
none had triggered such a dawn.
Before I opened the letter it was only right and proper to get a glass of water,
because anxiety was unbearable.
The day had dawn on my side.

Preparation versus opportunity had aligned and in sync,
With ignorant negativity my trembling hands unearth the message,
I was now an employee. The taxman ululated with great jubilation,
I was counted as citizen with purpose and value.
My nullified human dignity was revised.
My tarnished faith and hope was revived and restored,
I thanked God in prayer and praise. I sipped my glass of water the news was too cool to ruin.

All the long years of study had final paid off the dividends,
I revisited my less organized wardrobe with great caution.
As I went through my property which had the power to enhanced my image,
I was awakened by a reality that presented a challenge.
None of my clothes suited the grand opportunity.
I remembered that failure was not an option,
a smiled returned to my higgledy-piggledy young face.

Without an approval from my dearest paternal grandmother,
I went straight to my late father’s belongings with speed and strength of a tornado.
I selected all that seemed proper and right in my uneducated and less informed sense of fashion.
As I reminisce through the pages of memory lane, I had committed a crime.
Only if the fashion police were present, surely my crime would have constituted death through hanging or fire.

But the zeal and hunger to succeed was immeasurable and unfathomable,
my thought was over flowing with victory and glory.
My success was not only for me but also for my village.
I knew and recognized that my status quo had shifted positively and presented an opportunity.
The burning desire in my loins and brains carried me.
My sense of fashion became an invalid acceptable purchasing power.
denied the weakness and distance between acceptable environment standards and norms.

My zeal ignited the fire,
My will catalyzed the fire, 
My faith strengthened the fire,
My desire raised the fire,
My hope enhanced the fire,
My resilience maintained the fire,
My humility caused the fire,
My God became the source of the fire,
I became immune to the fire,
I became one with the fire,
I begun to walk on fire,
I became the fire,
I became the blazing and everlasting fire,
And final I became the fire that burns any other fire.

It is only where all begun.
The seed only becomes active and reactive if it is accompanied by an action.
As I stand and stared through my office window, I returned and revisited those moments.
Today I can only preach, teach and tell, some believe and some don’t.
It is my story and my tale I seek no justification or explanation.
Those that find value and wealth in my pyramids of experience are blessed.
And with great humility, no comments seem to present a response to those doubting Thomases.
My dream had become alive and my village people’s songs of hope had been answered.
Preparation versus opportunity had aligned and in sync.


writers journey. 
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